Monday, October 13, 2014


I have always believed in you, and you continuously let me down. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

The PURRRfect Animals

I would like to discuss something that I unreservedly adore…CATS! My goodness, they are just the most fascinating little creatures. They come in so may shapes and sizes.
I mean, there are the wild cats like Lions, Tigers, Lynx, Cheetahs.
There are the house cats like Persians, Calico, Tabby, Siamese.
AND….there are the ones kind of in between, like Savannah Cats.

What I LOVE most about cats is how incredibly intelligent they are. They have so much personality! And for those of you who say they don’t…you have probably encountered some pretty ornery cats who just really don't like you (no offense). As I’m sure you have noticed, my background is of my adorable cat, Nala. She was a feisty little feline who’s furry little face could always make me smile. R.I.P. NALA. (The savage coyotes got to her.) *sheds tear*
Anyway…If you don’t believe cats are as fantastic as I say, please take a moment to click on some of the links or watch the videos I have attached below!

Meet Lil Bub! <---click here - If you don't know Lil Bub, FIND OUT! You won't regret it!

L.A. Feline Film Festival <---click here - debating on going here! Looks like my kind of party!

Emergency Kittens! <---click here - The cutest pics that can always put you in a good mood.

So there you have it! Pretty AMAZING! Now, I am not trying to convince you dog lovers to hate your dogs (believe me I love dogs too!) I would just like to give these majestic felines the recognition I feel they deserve. LOL. 
In my defense, this does not mean years from now I will be that CRAZY cat lady who owns 50 cats, lets them roam around the house, and doesn't clean the litter box! EWE! Disgusting. I would own 1 or 2, but never would I ever let the little cuties take over my life. That being said, if you want to judge me for wearing a cat sweater, cat dress, having a cat phone case, or my text tone being a “meow”…go right ahead! 
I have no shame in my feline game! 

*I miss you Nala! 
You were the best kitty friend I could have ever asked for!

P.S. No, I do not currently own a cat. Why? I am not allowed to where I live. Yes, it makes me said. Yes, I would love to get a kitten. Sooo…If you are up for boarding a kitten I can help take care of, let me know! JK! haha. But really….
No I’m just kidding lol.
Or am I….

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Never Thought I'd Say this but...I LOVE NORCO

How many of you could not wait until High School was over with so you could pick up, leave, and start a new beginning?! *raises hand* ME!
I HATED where I lived in High School and could not wait to leave. I was going to move away to college, start a brand new beginning, and forget about those awkward dreadful days. 
So naturally…I continued to live in my home town and commuted to college for 4 years. -__-
Plans fell through with moving out, and it wasn’t TOO bad…during the one year I was actually involved! <—sarcasm
Living in this town, to me, was a terrible reminder of all the cruddy times I spent upset AT THE WORLD!!! (what can I say,…teenagers are dramatic). 
I tried to make the best of it. I began an All Star Cheer Team my freshman year of college in my home town. It was convenient, what I loved to do, continuously grew during the 3 years I had it, and helped many of the cheerleaders make the high school team. 
Then, my junior year of college, I began to coach cheer for my old high school. (Ironic right?! The girl who thought she would NEVER look back). It was a rough year, both the head coach and I were a part of the program in high school, so we new what happened as a cheerleader, but the coaching end…we were still figuring that out. My senior year of college I continued to coach….and OMG that year was…no words. (If you are reading this and know what I am talking about *facepalm*). So the next year comes along, and I had just about had it. I felt so DONE dealing with cheerleaders, cheer moms, other cheer coaches… So typical for this town. DRAMA. I was NOT going to return because it was not worth my unhappiness. 
BREE’S BRAIN: It isn't the girls’ fault, If you leave they have no one. No   consistency, no coach with morals, no one to know how this program works, no one to help this program grow, no one to tach them what actually matters. 

(Sidenote: I personally feel that being involved in a high school sport is so much more than winning. You learn about yourself, how to work with others, how to be accountable, how to take on life. And that is what I hope they take with them through the rest of their lives because that's what matters...Not how to do a full up.)

So I interview. I get the head coaching position (as a 21 year old!) and I receive the most AMAZING assistant coach ever! And what did I get…the most positive feedback from people in my home town! From the place I DESPISE. What?! These people were genuinely happy I would be in charge of this program!
I took a step back, and it occurred to me that I have been so involved in this small community for YEARS. I would not have done that if I absolutely repelled this town. I had no reason to hate it. There are so many good supportive people here! Even the cheer teams 2014-2015 “crazy cheer parents” are the most supportive group of parents I have ever experienced! I realized I never hated the town… I just hated High School! (Who would have thunk it lol) 
So for those of you high schoolers who want to get the heck out of here, don’t miss out on the good people and wonderful community around you! 
Don’t get me wrong, go to college, experience life in a whole new light, and have a blast! BUT, remember where you came from, and remember that the place you came from wasn't really all that bad. ;)

*Shout out to Norco, for being the best small town there is out there! We are….Norco

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Can't Live With 'Em...CAN Live Without them (for the moment!)

You can’t live with ‘em, you can’t live without ‘em. Of course…I am talking about the male species.  

Now here is a question that I think many of us ladies have: Why does it seem as if the guys we find interest in are not into us, and the guys who like us we aren’t interested in? It ALWAYS seems to work that way; doesn't it? And boy is it frustrating. I don’t have the right answer for everyone…but in hopes your situation may be similar to mine, perhaps my “epiphany” will help. 
Actually it wasn't really so much an epiphany as it was an “aha” moment that was explained to me by a friend (lolol), but anywho…here it is: 

After a break up from a 6 year on and off relationship I found it awkward to just date or hang out with other guys. Much to my surprise, I became more and more comfortable, and after a while I felt like I was getting pretty good at this dating thing, but for whatever reason, I could never see myself in a relationship with any of these guys I talked to. I felt like I was constantly coming up with excuses, “He’s super sweet but… he’s a goody two shoes and I just wouldn't be able to be myself around him” …that type of thing. Who even knows if it was true or if I was just feeding myself lies! Then I began to think, what the heck is wrong with me?! I am over here critical as can be when these guys are actually showing an interest in me! Sure that hot guy across the room is “my type” but he is not paying me any mind, but Goody-Two-Shoes over here sure is! 

So naturally what do you think I do?

Jk! Actually I didn’t. (haha)

I started to feel like I didn't even want to talk to guys at all. I didn’t want to try because nothing was working out and I just needed to focus on myself. Part of this was rational, but…
Here is the “aha” moment…
I was talking to a friend explaining this conflicting situation and she said to me “Oh My Gosh Bree! You are SOO Hard on Yourself? Why Don’t You See it?!” And she was right. I am hard on myself. I constantly put myself down for not being into these boys. “You are beating yourself up for not wanting to be with someone: for saving their time and your time, because you know what you want, and you don’t NEED to be with a guy.” I had never thought about it that way. But I liked it! A LOT! It made me feel independent, like I knew I could count on just me. 
Thus, becoming upset over feeling like a relationship with someone (that I’m actually really interested in) will never work, that was irrational. *drama queen* However, identifying that I need to focus on myself: rational. (But don’t be that girl that uses that excuse 4 to 6 months into dating someone…yeaahhh that’s just not cool). 

What I have learned is that I am NOT ready for a relationship, shoot…I don’t even believe I am ready to date right now. BUT, that doesn't mean it will NEVER happen. I believe that once I focus on myself and start to get my life and career in order, the rest of my life will fall into place, even the man. And when the right one comes along, feelings won’t have to be forced (they should never be); it will happen naturally, and in God’s timing. So perhaps the reasoning we find interest in the guys who are not into us, and the guys who like us we aren’t interested in, is because it isn’t the right timing, it is forced by one end or the other, they aren’t the right one, or we are not finished figuring or own lives out FIRST. 
 So STOP beating yourself up! I for one am perfectly content continuing to be an independent young woman focusing on herself. The rest will fall into place, in due time.

*Shout out to my beautiful friend Brenda for her uplifting talks and the "aha" moment that inspired this post.

Monday, July 28, 2014

SO THIS IS BLOGGING...unemployment troubles? same.

I feel like I am just a tad bit late in joining the blogging world, but HEY, I did it! It’s 2:30 AM, I can’t sleep, I can’t find a job even though I just graduated with my bachelors, I love to write, so I thought “Hey, why not?!”.

So, here it goes…

First off, I don’t want to give away my full “life story” on my first post, so (if you read this) I intend to give away little snippets of my life post my post.

This morning, I would like to talk about finding jobs, because that is what I was doing when I suddenly had this miraculous idea to spontaneously become A Blogger! *uses spirit fingers to show how majestic the words “a blogger” are* WHY ON EARTH IS IT SO HARD?! (finding a job). I mean, I went to college for 4 years and graduated with a degree in English. Yes, my ultimate goal is to become a teacher, but in the meantime, I still need to pay my bills! I have applied for office jobs, writing jobs, babysitting  jobs, retail jobs, and zero has come out of it. It can be extremely discouraging, especially when you worked hard for an education and you feel like it’s of no use to you! My 16 year old sister even has a job lined up at the local grocery store near our house! Like…what? You are 16 (still in high school) and I am 22 (graduate from college). Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely ecstatic for her; I know she wants to save money for a car and all that jazz, but let me just repeat ...BILLS!  Nonetheless, I think this definitely applies to ALL age groups! Whether you are in your teens, twenty’s, or even your forty’s, finding a brand new job is extremely rough. But you know what we just have to keep on keepin’ on!

Here is what I’ve learned:
(I actually thought of this as I rambled on in my typing, but regardless, here it is)

Most of us who are searching high and low for jobs are not necessarily happy. Am I right? Duh! Who is happy about being out of work? No one! Soooo, in order for this to change (get this) make yourself happy! *mind blown* I know I have continuously been complaining about my body for the past couple months now. I also know that I was constantly in such a joyful mood when I used to work out every morning. Solution to problem: I AM WORKING OUT TOMORROW MORNING!  I complain I am not organized. Solution to problem: After working out, I AM GOING TO BUCKLE DOWN AND GET ORGANIZED. These are things that cause stress and unhappiness in my life and I know that when I take action, I will be much more pleasant.

 Now, the connection between this and finding a job is…good vibes (haha). No, but really, it is. When we feel good about ourselves, and we are taking action and attracting positivity, THAT is the moment you will find a job. It is the Power of Positive Thinking. It is Perspective. Being out of work is temporary. But happiness is long term, and it starts within. It may sounds silly, but I believe being out of a job, looking for a job, and stress, are all ways God testing us. He is crying out for us to take a hold of our lives, get back on track, and most importantly be Happy. So for many of you who are going through the same thing I am…It WILL pass, make YOURSELF happy. This doesn’t mean take a trip to Cancun for 3 days because that makes you happy…we have to be smart about our decisions here but: garden, write, paint, dance, shelter homeless cats! I don’t know what you’re into! Keep busy! Do what you love! (obviously continue to apply for jobs) But make sure you are Happy with YOU before you take on anything else. YOU can change this around! TRUST in the Big Guy Upstairs!!

-shout out to my mom who planted the central idea of this post in my head during our talk tonight/ last night? Idk. I’m tired.